Blog: How The Use of Personal Values Contributes To A Healthy Business Culture

How The Use of Personal Values Contributes To A Healthy Business Culture

By Andrea Feinberg

So often business plans revolve around numbers – market share, profit margin, revenue, increased productivity – that you may downplay or even forget the fact that a focus on personal values can significantly enhance company culture and strengthen team dynamics. And a strong team is the basis to make big changes in the numbers! Additionally, with the new ways of building teams – perhaps hybrid, virtual, outsourced – adding factors that create cohesiveness with shared values will create common grounds. Here are some compelling reasons to prioritize personal values and practical ways to integrate them into your daily routines:

Reasons to Focus on Personal Values

  1. Increased Employee Engagement:

    • When employees feel their personal values align with the company’s values, they are more likely to be engaged and committed to their work.

  2. Improved Job Satisfaction:

    • Employees who can express their values at work tend to experience higher job satisfaction and well-being.

  3. Enhanced Team Cohesion:

    • Shared values foster a sense of community and belonging, which can enhance teamwork and collaboration.

  4. Stronger Organizational Identity:

    • A values-driven culture helps define the organization’s identity and can attract like-minded individuals, both as employees and customers.

  5. Better Decision-Making:

    • When values are clear, they can guide decision-making processes, leading to more consistent and ethical outcomes.

  6. Increased Retention:

    • Employees are more likely to stay with an organization that respects and reflects their personal values, reducing turnover rates.

  7. Positive Work Environment:

    • A focus on values creates a positive and supportive work environment, leading to higher morale and productivity.

Convinced? Good! Here are some ways to integrate personal values into your employee behaviors and expand your business’ success.

  1. Define and Communicate Core Values:

    • Identify and articulate your company’s core values. Ensure these values are communicated clearly to all employees. Discuss how they are embedded into policy, both internal and customer-facing,

  2. Hire for Values Fit:

    • Incorporate values-based questions into the hiring process to ensure new hires align with your company’s values.

  3. Lead by Example:

    • Encourage leaders and supervisors in your company to demonstrate the company’s values in their daily actions and decisions. Leadership commitment is crucial for embedding values into the culture.

  4. Incorporate Values into Performance Reviews:

    • Include values alignment as a basis in performance evaluations. Recognize and reward employees who exemplify the company’s values.

  5. Provide Training and Development:

    • Offer training sessions and workshops that focus on understanding and living the company’s values. This can include team-building activities and value-centric discussions.

  6. Create Value-Based Recognition Programs:

    • Develop programs to recognize and reward employees who consistently demonstrate the company’s values. This reinforces the importance of values in everyday work.

  7. Encourage Open Communication:

    • Foster an environment where employees feel comfortable discussing their personal values and how they align with the company’s values. Regularly solicit feedback on how well the company is living up to its values.

  8. Align Policies and Practices:

    • Ensure that company policies and practices reflect the core values. This includes everything from management practices to customer service.

  9. Promote Work-Life Balance:

    • Respect employees’ personal values by supporting work-life balance initiatives. This can include flexible working arrangements and wellness programs.

  10. Embed Values in the Company’s Vision and Mission:

    • Make sure the company’s vision and mission statements reflect its core values. Regularly revisit these statements to ensure they remain relevant and meaningful.

While these ideas are diverse and may seem easy, how to get it done can be tricky; reach out to us here for customized recommendations in your company.


July 2024 TogetHR Times


June 2024 TogetHR Times